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Screw conveyors

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Screw conveyors are machines used for transporting various bulk materials, such as grains, feed, fertilizers, and others. They are designed to move materials using a spiral, called a screw, mounted on a shaft. Thanks to this design, screw conveyors are able to transport materials downwards, upwards, or horizontally without unnecessary dropping or crushing.

  • In agriculture, screw conveyors are often used for transporting and transferring materials such as grains, feed, fertilizers, and others. They are also frequently used for transporting grains from warehouses to machines such as mills, combines, and many others.

When choosing a screw conveyor, several important criteria should be considered, such as:

  • efficiency
  • power
  • type of materials to be transported
  • diameter of the screw
  • length and height of the conveyor route

It is also necessary to pay attention to the quality of the construction to ensure that it is strong enough to provide long-lasting and reliable operation.

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