Tilt trailers are a type of heavy-duty trailer that are characterized by their openable sides, allowing for easy loading and unloading of goods. They usually have one or two axles and are designed to transport various types of cargo, such as building materials, pallets of goods, furniture, household appliances, etc.
Tilt trailers are divided into several types, depending on the number of axles, load capacity, and type of sides. Some of the most popular types include:
Single-axle tilt trailers - trailers with one axle that are suitable for transporting smaller loads, such as garden equipment, building materials, or interior furnishings.
Double-axle tilt trailers - trailers with two axles that are more stable and have a higher load capacity. They are suitable for transporting larger loads, such as furniture or pallets of goods.
Aluminum-sided tilt trailers - trailers with sides made of aluminum. They are lighter than trailers with steel sides, allowing for greater load capacity.
Folding-sided tilt trailers - trailers that have side walls that fold in half, making it easier to load and unload goods.
The choice of the appropriate tilt trailer depends primarily on the type of cargo to be transported. The load capacity of the trailer, the length of the cargo, the number of axles, the type of sides, and the dimensions of the trailer should all be taken into account. It is also worth ensuring that the trailer has the appropriate homologation and required documents for transport.